Why shot peen a compression spring?

Shot peening is carried out on spring wire that has not been surface treated.
Shot peening is a post-treatment of an already coiled spring.

Shot peening is a method in which steel shot is flung at great force at the surface of the compression spring. The steel shot is in a turbine wheel that flings it repeatedly at the material surface at high speed.

The process causes microscopic cracks in the surface from winding to be "welded" together. This reduces the likelihood of fractures due to the formation of cracks, thus giving the compression spring a longer service life. The process increases fatigue strength.

Shot peening is normally used on compression springs with a wire thickness of 1.5 mm and above. Thinner wire can be shot peened, but there is a risk that the wire may be deformed in the process.

Dynamically loaded compression springs in particular may benefit from this process.

At Sodemann, shot peening is only used for special springs. None of our standard springs have been given this surface treatment. In 99.99% of assemblies where standard springs are used, shot peening is not necessary. For this reason, this price-raising process is not used on our standard springs.

Contact our technical department for further information and prices.

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